Monday, April 11, 2011

The Mystical Allure of Aladdin Pants

They go by many names. Ali Baba, Aladdin, Harlem and even Drop-Crotch. There’s something about these loose, baggy pants that seems to draw travellers in India to them like magnets. It seems everyone, both girls and guys, abandon their normal clothes in favour of Ali Baba pants and transform their style during their time in India. The shopkeepers understand this mystery and stock a ready supply of one size fits all pants in a variety of colours, prints and textures. It’s a phenomenon I saw all across India as I travelled, from the north down to the south.

Now, I definitely understand the appeal of these pants from a comfort perspective. India is hot, especially in the south. Loose baggy cotton pants are definitely a way to stay cool and comfortable.  India also generally seems to attract a different type of traveller, and plenty of hippies. I just never understood the universal appeal that made them THE must have item for surviving India.

I saw many people succumb to the trend over my couple months in India. Walking through the markets the shops brimmed with these pants, and the shopkeepers would call out “Ali Baba pants! I give you good price!” They saw me walking around in my plain black capris, and assumed I was an easy target, ready to part with my cash for a pair of these magical pants.

In the end I never did buy a pair. I ignored the pleas from the shopkeepers and the underlying pressure to fit in with all the other trendy travellers. This was just one trend I didn’t see myself fitting into, not in India or at home.

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